Day Three : Removals
So far......
No refined sugars, salt or oil
No naughty snacks or junk foods
No eating past 7pm
Lots of herbal green tea :)
My day started with Clove Herbal Tea
My juice for the day was Banana and Apple
i learnt that....
Apples are high in vitamins and minerals C,A and B, Potassium, iron and phosphorus, aids healthy digestion,
The prevention of cancer, lowering of bad Cholesterol - that's good news
& bananas have high potassium and fiber, manganese & vitamin C
Onwards to Luton
My first ever Wholemeal spelt flour and i cant believe im visiting the real place on the packet today!
Clean water, Fresh air
3 little birds
Michelle capturing the beauty of nature see her new nutritional Video's here Share/Subscribe TheGoddessEffecttv
Yes Confirmed im in heaven, Veg , salad and spelt flour waffles
Organic chocolate sauce, Waffles with nuts, Sipped with warm Green Tea to aid digestion
The Moon's in my cup
beautiful building by the market
I do love me some fabrics.... see my handmade fashion Wildsuga's latest inspirations on Instagram
we got a bag full of veg for £2 .....seriously a weeks meal!! soups and steamed veg!
He packed that bag! Thanks mate !!
Local foraging
A trip toThe Chilterns, Bedfordshire what a view!
Two lovers and their dog, i couldn't resist taking this "Love is the landscape"!!
My diary...
A day of Adventure in Nature with great company!!
"Nature i LOVE you and thank you"
#GodessEffectTv i LOVE you and thank you :)
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Onwards with tomorrow