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Friday 30 December 2011

The land of my Great-Grand parents In the countryside of Morne Cayenne St Lucian Diaries #12

Its always mattered to me where my family come from and the history and stories behind who did what, how, where, when, why!!!!. I ask alot of questions and my curiosity leads me to learn new things about one side of myself being my Lucian heritage! visiting Morne Cayenne for the 2nd time was a treat, this land in abundance has georgous food and neighbours are all pritty much family.

my cousin shows me where Coco (pure chocolate comes from)

coco tree, also a fruit to eat xx

Dried and open the pod to get the coco out
One of the Banana familys
journeys to diferent homes
seriously cute dog
How tumeric powder is made

Beautiful Country cat
Running rooster !!
Breadfruit Tree

Many families from the countryside are self sufficient
cooks who make and sell their foods in town!
Lime tree

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