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Thursday 15 August 2013

Be at Ease

It's so enjoyable creating things which give you pleasure. It's even more satisfying knowing that making or sharing with others can bring other people pleasure too :)

I've been thinking alot about what it means to choose the artistic route in life. Its one of those interesting topics with someone who doesn't necessarily live that kind of life which reminds me of why Art and creativity can be such an interesting career choice. Personally it feels like it choose me and im on a stream. There's no particular map and im feeling my way through it, the destination isn't the view but just the sea ahead and the moment im in is enough.

I ponder on the idea of sucess which a few people have asked me about recently and what i either view or desire it to be, i honestly think its a personal connection with your art that defines the idea of sucess. From my honest opinion sucess is not based on the amount of  follows, views, tags, articles, press a person receives or money in the bank, car, house, job, i personally feel that sucess is as simple as living and enjoying what you do to YOUR fullest. When your in your flow, everything will follow and add to it, but they are not what makes you Successful.

I feel a sense of success when i feel happy and the sun is shining, i feel success when i laugh so hard im almost crying, i feel success when im able to function fully and many more basic examples of how we have everything we need air, water, universal love etc...all the other stuff are really just add ons.

It took me a while to figure out that my view on Success is as simple as feeling my own happiness and close family and friends happiness - with time shared together.

I feel that this strange emotion of pressure that exists with the hype of the media; creates an illusion which makes people and things seem untouchable and unattainable. For some reason being an artist has a level of "expectation" and heavy "sucess" attached to it. It's such a visual presentation of self and numbers and figures on social mediums seem to qualify or determine an artists quality.

But really no one is less or more important than another regardless of these things and its important that materialism and concept of fame/money doesn't control the ego into thinking its invincible and immortal - we leave all that stuff behind, how we lived, our energy, the vibe we left is what is remembered in the ether.

We simply have to be at ease in our bodies with the gifts given to us and enjoy our craft fully.

I say BE AT EASE. There's so much of everything and sometimes just the little things are ENOUGH. We can feel chilled & at peace knowing that we are living our fullest potential and happy walking in the path of our own light. 

Love always xx